Yep. We Did It Again. Two Babies Under Two.


Brit and I have been talking about wanting to grow our family for the past couple of months. But really, we’ve been dreaming of a big family since before we were even married. We have always talked about and dreamt of having a large family and the importance of having our children be close in age. We also created these weird social norms that we put on our own marriage, assuming we’d take turns and go back and forth between the two of us carrying. But then reality hit.

Brit wrote an articulate, beautiful, concise Instagram post a few weeks back regarding our choices. First of all, it is exactly that - OUR choice. What we decide to do with our family is really no one else’s business. Secondly, for people genuinely curious, we are always happy to share and be open books. For us, it doesn’t make sense for Brit to get pregnant right now. Aside from the fact that she just simply doesn’t want to (which really is reason enough), financially and physically it just doesn’t make any sense, and, I really want to be pregnant again.

That brings us to today. Today is Friday, December 6th. Although this particular post wasn’t published until only now, I wanted to write now - today - when all of my feelings and thoughts are at the forefront of my mind. A couple of weeks ago Brit and I began the IUI process again, meeting with our doctor, doing baseline ultrasounds, beginning my medication regiment, the works. On Tuesday, November 19th, we went in for the insemination. For those of you who have been following our journey since day one, you may recall that Brit couldn’t make it to my insemination the first time when I got pregnant with Thea. Well, this time was a bit different. Not only was Brit there, but she also pulled the trigger! That’s right, the doctor let her do it. Pretty cool, right?

So for the next 15 days, we just had to wait. And not stress. And not think about it. Still way easier said than done, but this time around wasn’t as bad as I was busy chasing Thea around, preparing for Thanksgiving, and throwing Thea’s 1st birthday party.

Those 15 days eventually came and went. I couldn’t stand not knowing. For those of you who know me well, patience is not one of my redeeming qualities. We had some time to kill so we headed to Target to buy a pregnancy test. I read the directions several times over in the bathroom to ensure the most reliable of outcomes. I kid you not, as I was peeing on the strip, I saw the indicator instantly make a bold ‘+’. I was shaking as I came out of the bathroom to show Brit. I figured I’d have to wait the 3 minutes. Nope. I was pregnant. It was clear as day.

The next couple of days we did the routine blood tests to track the amount of HCG in my blood to gage the accuracy of the at-home pregnancy test and ensure the quality of this tiny embryo. There it was again. My numbers were strong. I was indeed (still) pregnant.

Baby Sharon #2 Coming August 2020.

So why a blog post to share the news and not just a cutesy Instagram post? Well, if you can tell from our due date, we are still very early on in our pregnancy. We’ve decided to share the news now (instead of at the typical 13 week mark) for a few reasons.

  1. I am most definitely in shock. I can’t believe it worked. Again. So quickly. Part of me feels guilty. I personally know of family and friends who have struggled to get pregnant. Straight and gay. And it just isn’t fair. Not that life is, but I think I assumed it would be difficult for Brit and I to have a family. And yet, here we are. We are two for two. Starting our blog and social media accounts for ‘The Sharon Moms’ has given me a front row seat to seeing other couples show their journey into parenthood. It is the purest form of vulnerability, another skill I am trying to work on.

  2. This brings me to my second reason for sharing. A lot of couples wait until they are through their first trimester to announce the upcoming arrival of their little bundle of joy. Why? Aside from superstition, medically speaking, the odds of a miscarriage decrease significantly. The truth is, the more people you share good news with, does not increase the chances of something bad happening. It just doesn’t. And, if something bad or sad does happen, it would make me feel so much better having a community of people around me to support me.

So, there you have it! Brit and I are expecting Baby #2. We can’t wait to share our journey with you as we navigate pregnancy with a toddler.