Baby Registry Must Haves and Other Things to Know for the First Time Mommy

  1. Stroller. I have two for this category: one for the first time mommy and one for the mommy with the second one on the way. First up, is the UPPAbaby® VISTA V2 Stroller. It comes in MANY different colors to appease all mamas and has the sweetest bassinet to either push your new babe in or to attach to the UPPAbaby® Bassinet Stand. It is one of the pricier strollers on the market, but their safety standards, designs, and flexibility to turn into a double stroller + an attached skateboard for kiddo number 3 makes this the ideal all-in-one stroller. The other stroller, a current staple, and favorite in our home, is Zoe’s The Twin Stroller. We have the Luxe version for a whopping $345. It is a side-by-side stroller that folds with one hand, weighs less than 20 lbs, fits through standard doorways, and also comes in a slew of colors.

    • Stroller Accessories. I am a huge fan of the UPPAbaby® VISTA/CRUZ Reversible Seat Liner. It creates that extra barrier between your kiddo and the stroller seat, keeping your stroller looking a little bit cleaner and a lot easier to clean. I also fully swear by the UPPAbaby® Snack Tray. 10/10 your babe is going to want to eat and snack and drink while being pushed around.

  2. Car Seat. Did you know that you are going to need two of these? No, not two of the same thing (although you totally could do that if you know multiple people are going to be driving your little one around). You will need an infant car seat and a convertible car seat. Granted most convertible car seats are safe for infants, you will want one of each. The infant car seat lets you transfer your sleeping baby from riding in the car into the stroller or the house without having to physically remove him/her. So for the infant car seat, I recommend the one that is compatible with the stroller mentioned in #1. the UPPAbaby® MESA Infant Car Seat. Similar to the way how all Apple products are simpatico with one another, so is the UPPAbaby® brand. For the convertible car seat, which you wont really need until your little one is closer to 1 year of age, we are huge fans of the Nuna RAVA™ Convertible Car Seat. We bought ours at Nordstrom during the Anniversary Sale. It goes on a great sale and it’s worth jumping on, even if your babe is still a newborn.

    • Car Accessories. You will need to install a backseat mirror so you can keep an eye on your babe while driving. I recommend either one of these. We (my wife and I) each have one, purely to match the interior of our cars. If you have a beige or gray (or other light colored interior), then I love the BRITAX Back Seat Mirror; if you have a black interior, go for the SKIP*HOP Style Driven Backseat Mirror. The only other carseat related accessory we recommend is a seat protector. It’s another one of those little things that adds a barrier between the car seat (aka, your kid, snacks, feet on the seats, etc.) and your car’s interior. We love the Prince Lionheart® 2-Stage Seatsaver, and it comes in black, beige, and gray.

  3. Playards & Portable Beds. There are definitely a handful of must-have items in this category. For us, co-sleeping with our babies was a priority, but that’s a whole other blog post. In short, we knew having our babies in bed with us was important, so we wanted something to accommodate that. WIth our first, we had and used the DockATot® Deluxe+ Dock. It worked great for us and Thea. When it was time to transition into the larger size, we just couldn’t rationalize spending another $300 for the DockATot® Grand Dock, when their competitor, SnuggleMe, had the same thing for half the price. The Snuggle Me Organic Toddler Lounger is super yummy and comes in beautiful, earthy colors. We wound up selling our smaller DockATot® when we had Nathan and bought the Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger. It also helps that the Snuggle Me loungers are 100% easier to clean and buying additional Snuggle Me covers are significantly cheaper than DockATot® options. The other lounger we invested in and LOVE is the Boppy® "Hello Baby" Newborn Lounger. It’s portable, easy to clean, affordable, and babies love it, making it a double win-win. Moving right along, when it comes to having a playard, I do suggest having one. They fold up to nothing if you aren’t using it, but it gives you that extra changing table or bassinet or play area in your home that is confined so you know your child is safe. It’s definitely a ‘luxury’ item, but this is what your registry is for! We have some variation of the 4moms® Breeze® Plus Playard, as this is their newer model. The 4moms® brand has really carved a space in the babysphere for sleek meets tech baby gear. I love that I can change my baby’s diaper, put them to sleep in the bassinet as a newborn, and have them sit and play in the larger section as they get bigger. It is one of the pricier items on a registry, but it also grows with your family. I think it’s worth the investment.

  4. Baby Carriers. Oh boy! This is one of my favorite categories. I didn’t wear Thea as much as I thought I was going to and I am for sure carrying Nathan around what feels like 100% of the time. Because I have to wear Nathan so I can still be hands free and available to Thea, I have FINALLY mastered using the wraps. It takes patience. A lot of patience. But once you get it, it just makes sense and feels like second nature. So when it comes to baby carriers, I recommend three…maybe four. It sounds crazy, but hear me out.

    • First, I think you need a wrap. I found Behold Baby when I was visiting my best friend in Phoenix. We stumbled on a handmade market in Gilbert, Arizona. They have the softest baby carriers (and swaddles) and you are supporting a women owned small business.

    • The next carrier I swear by is the BABYBJÖRN® Baby Carrier Mini. It’s beyond easy to learn to use, can be worn when your little one is an infant without any inserts, and is sleek and the complete opposite of bulky. This company and carrier has been a staple for decades, and I truly believe this is a must-have item.

    • The third carrier I recommend is the Ergobaby™ Four-Position 360 Cool Air Baby Carrier. It’s the bulkiest of them all and can be worn beyond your kid’s first year of life. I prefer the Cool Air line as this is the carrier I use on hikes. The added breathability does wonders for both the kiddo and the one doing the carrying.

    • Those are three we have and use all the time. The fourth type of carrier is a sling. Many mamas swear by it. I, myself, have not yet figured it out so it’s not one I use, although I do own one. The one I have is the Maya Wrap Lightly Padded Ring Sling. I like that it provides extra padding on your shoulder. The other brand that my friends swear by is the WildBird Ring Sling.

  5. Infant Activity. This is another one of those multi-categories that covers everything from activity centers, swings, and bouncers, to playmats, walkers, and play gyms. As someone who registered for just about everything under the sun with my first, I have come to know these products and found all-in-one items that check many boxes.

    • First up is the SKIP*HOP® Explore & More 3-Stage Activity Center. Really anything SKIP*HOP® we trust. This activity center has everything you’ll need and is another one of those toys that grows with your kiddo. Next up is the swing. We have tried just about every swing under the sun; from the fancy, expensive brands, to the old but true. Our top pick is the Graco® DuetSoothe™ Swing and Rocker. If you get nothing else, this will be a game changer. It swings your babe in two directions and can also become a portable rocker. We like to pair this with the Ingenuity™ DreamComfort™ Pemberton™ SmartBounce Automatic Bouncer™. Its bouncing features had made both my kiddos very happy.

    • Moving right along, you will want to have a play gym for your home. We have three. Do you need three? No. Of course not. It’s again the beauty of a registry. You put what you want and see what you get. We happen to love all three of ours for very different reasons and have them placed throughout our home. First up, the Fisher-Price® Deluxe Kick and Play Piano Gym. It’s yet another grow-with-your-kid must have. Next, is the SKIP*HOP® Vibrant Village Smart Lights Baby Play Gym. The black and white contrast with bright, bold colors is perfect for your newborn. Plus the arch lights up and plays music. This third one is an over-the-top, expensive, unnecessary item. BUT, we are the biggest fans of the Lovevery company. This is definitely a want and not a need. Their Play Gym is simply beautiful!

    • Lastly, we have the walker. This is to help and aid your kiddo along as they transition from a crawler to walker. This is a no brainer, must have. The Radio Flyer Classic Walker Wagon is beautiful, made of real wood, and acted as a portable book and toy chest. It’s sturdy and will last you a good, long time.

  6. Diaper Bag. This is a fun one. The diaper bag will most likely take over your life and become your new purse. You want something durable, with lots of pockets, washes easily, and has tons of room. As you may begin to see, we are big fans of all things SKIP*HOP®. So it should be no surprise that our number one pick is the SKIP*HOP® Mainframe Wide Open Backpack Diaper Bag. We love the structure it provides, making it easier to be holding your baby with one hand while opening the bag with your spare hand. It’s easy to wipe and clean with a baby wipe and comes in sleek, beautiful colors. And just to give you another option, the RUVALINO Diaper Bag is a top choice among our friends and is an Amazon Top Choice.

    • We love the Costco Kirkland Diapers. You just cannot beat their pricing. They don’t make newborn sized diapers, so we used the Huggies brand — specifically their Little Snugglers or Special Delivery.

    • For wipes, we love, love, love, Water Wipes. They are so clean and you can use it on your baby’s face and booty to cleaning up messes else where.

  7. Baby Furniture. This one is a personal choice. Although we registered for and were gifted a crib and dresser for our first, Thea used her crib only a handful of times since we co-slept with her. When we transitioned her out of our bed, we put her straight into a full sized bed. Aside from needing a changing table for sure (a design and element choice that should make you feel happy and complete your nursery), I highly recommend a rocking chair. For Thea, I wanted something super traditional — a wooden rocking chair with a matching ottoman. It looked so cute in the nursery. Then when it came time to use it, I hated it. It was too narrow for nursing and obviously didn’t recline, which I think is a must-have capability for those super late night feeds. We sold the rocking chair and bought the Baby Relax Addison Swivel Gliding Recliner. It rocks, swivels, and reclines. It’s comfortable. Regardless of what you choose, try to find one you can see, feel, and experience in person.

  8. Feeding. This is a big category, and for good reason. There is a lot of stuff here! The things that I feel are the most important for a registry, though, come down to a high chair, dishes and utensils, bibs, and baby food.

    • We love our Graco® Blossom™ 6-in-1 High Chair in Studio™. It’s not the most beautiful or aesthetically pleasing one out there on the market, but it’s also reasonably priced for all that you’re getting. It’s easy to wheel around the house, it comes with a booster seat (which is great if you are planning on having more than one kid), and most importantly, it easily wipes clean!

    • For dishes and utensils, I am obsessed with BEABA®. You can buy individual items, or you can buy a set. The silicone makes it easy to heat food up in the microwave and equally easy to clean. It’s also the best product with suction that we have found. Thea only has just now started using the cup that came with the set and she is just about to turn 2, so it’s great to grow with your kiddo. Thea also never used a bottle as an infant, so while I have heard great things about Comotomo Bottles and Tommee Tippee Bottles, we used the Munchkin Latch Anti-Colic Baby Bottle as her water bottle at night. Transitioning from the bottle, we loved the OXO Tot Transitions Straw Cup with Removable Handles. It was great for the house and on-the-go trips. Once she got a little older, we relied on the Hydro Flask 12 oz Kids 2.0 Water Bottle for going out and the Elk and Friends Kids & Toddler Cups from Amazon. We. Are. Obsessed. They are so easy to clean and come with silicone straws that the kiddos can’t pull out. It’s great for water, juice, and smoothies! And to round out the feeding needs, a bib! When Thea first started eating solids, we loved using the Bumkins Sleeved Bib, especially when it came to eating foods that had colors in it (think marinara sauce!). Now that she’s a toddler, we love the Simka Silicone Waterproof Bib Set.

    • Baby food! We are fans of organic, pure, simple foods with no additives, colors, or flavors. Although I had always envisioned making all of the baby food at home, I was simply too tired. Our favorite brand of baby food is Beech-Nut. Their packaging is great and is marked by Stages based on the age of your kiddo and is easy to find on Amazon, grocery stores, and Target.

  9. Bath and Diapering. This is another category that has a lot of personal choices. However, when it comes to a diaper pail and bath tub, I do happen to believe that the Ubbi Diaper Pail and the Fisher-Price® 4-in-1 Sling 'n Seat Bath Tub are the best ones out there. The diaper pail is made of stainless steel and does NOT require any special bags. We also throw in a bag of potpourri before putting in a trash bag to help minimize the smell. I do also recommend download the app ‘ThinkDirty’ if you are interested in learning about the potentially toxic ingredients in your personal care products. We used it to determine the kids bath time soaps, lotions, and household products. Some of our favorites are: Bubbsi (for shampoo/body wash and body oil/lotion); Burts Bees Baby products; Seventh Generation laundry detergent for babies.

  10. Health and Safety. When it comes to your baby’s health and safety, you want the best.

    • We are a family that relies heavily on all things Fridababy. Out of everything they have genuously created, we cannot live without their NoseFrida® Snotsucker Saline Kit or their NailFrida the SnipperClipper Nail Clipper, and those two items should absolutely be on your registry, you can also splurge for and essentially get one of everything with their Big Bundle of Joy Newborn Care Kit. Another essential item you will need is a thermometer. We are living in a precarious time where temperatures are being taken daily. We have tried so many brands and types, and the one that works best for our family, from infants to toddlers, is the Braun Thermoscan 7. It’s an ear thermometer, which will give you the best accurary with a wiggly, unhappy happy, and it only needs two seconds to get a reading.

    • The baby monitor choice, for us, was also a no brainer. We use Nanit to keep eyes on our kiddos. You have a choice of either getting a wall mount or stand, and for an extra $50, you can get a travel mount. It works with an app and is set up through your WiFi. The camera itself also has a sound machine built in, and you can speak through to the app to calm your little one.

    • For your cleaning needs, we believe in non-toxic ingredients, which narrow downed our list of what we wanted in our home, around our children. For all our cleaning, we use and swear by the Method brand, which is readily available on Amazon. We use their all purpose cleaner and wipes, dishwasher packs, dish soap, and kitchen hand soap (which is also in our bathrooms). Every scent they have is better than the next. You can’t go wrong.

  11. Toys and Learning. Every parent I have ever met, older ones, newer ones, and all those in between, have all made some sort of comment about how their home is/was full of toy clutter. It happens, It’s also hard to find some restraint for your first kiddo. I get it. The toys are cute. And you want to be able to provide the world to your child. We discovered Lovevery. It’s a monthly subscription that brings you thoughtfully crafted, Montessori-inspired play kits. It takes the guess work out of figuring out what toys are best suited for your baby. And — the real wood, cotton toys are beautiful and long-lasting. In addition to the play kits, we also love their Block Set, the Pull Pup, and the Play Tunnel.

  12. Clothes. This is a huge category. There are so many personal preferences when it comes to clothes. So, here is what I have to share. First, ACCEPT HAND ME DOWNS. Second, here some of my favorite kiddo brands:

    • L’ovedbaby

    • Lou Lou and Company

    • Zara

    • Target - Cat and Jack, specifically

    • Janie and Jack (pricey, but so stinking cute!)

    • Old Navy

    • Gap

Have I missed a category that you would like our recommendation on? Drop us your question in the comments below and we will add our answer to this post.

And remember, at the end of the day, all your baby NEEDS is your unconditional love, food, diapers, and warmth!